- E-Books and audiobooks can be checked out for a total of 21 days
- Check out a total of ten titles at a time
- You may place up to 14 holds
- Return titles early to allow checking out of additional titles
- At the end of the lending period titles will automatically expire
To access the Jericho Library digital audiobook and eBook collection you will need:
- A valid Jericho Public library card in good standing
- A PIN (This is the same PIN used to access “My Account” in the Catalog)
- Access to the Internet (high-speed connection preferred)
- Free downloadable apps for the device on which you wish to access the material from Libby
Virtual Ebook Training by Libby
Overdrive Kindle Paperwhite JPL Tutorial
Additional Help with OverDrive
Link to Jericho Public Library OverDrive