
Database Type

Designed to meet the unique needs of its users, Explora supports both student research and classroom instruction with rich, reliable content and easy-to-use functionality.

Full Text Finder

An index that links to full text coverage of journals and newspapers. Note: You will only be able to link to those databases the JPL subscribes to.

Gale Ebooks

Gale eBooks delivers reference books covering the most-studied subject areas.

Gale OneFile: News

Gale OneFile: News has America’s top newspapers (1977-present). Available through NOVEL, a statewide virtual library provided free to the public by the New York State Library.

General Onefile

News and magazines articles covering all subjects.


Covers the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and governments and what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts.

Health & Medicine

Contains full-text nursing and allied health journals, as well as personal health information resources, for high school and college level students.

Health and Wellness

Provides carefully-compiled and trusted medical reference materials, including health/medical and alternative health journals, general interest publications, pamphlets, health-related videos, reference titles, and directories.


Provides access to thousands of family and history books, the complete U.S. Federal Census, PERSI, Revolutionary War Pension & Bounty Land Warrant Application Files, Freedman's Bank Records, and more.


JobNow, powered by Brainfuse, provides live interactive online help combined with online resources to guide you through the necessary tasks to get a job. Note: You must create a username and password. What does JobNow do for you? by JPL

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts provides indexing and abstracting for key library and information science journals, books, research reports and more.

Literary Reference Center Plus

Information on thousands of authors and their works. Includes all types of literature and time periods.

Literature Resource Center

Literature Resource Center is Gale’s most current, comprehensive and reliable online literature database offering the broadest and most representative range of authors and their works including a deep collection of full-text critical and literary analysis.

Long Island Business News

Long Island Business news, New York's local business newspaper, providing a print and online journal of entrepreneurial experiences, business data and economic trends. Receive unlimited access to LIBN digital content (you must access the website through the Jericho library each time)

Long Island Information

Ranging from childcare to legal services to real estate, we have a comprehensive list of resources for all things Long Island.

MasterFile Premier

Full text for virtually every subject area of general interest with back issues of key publications such as: American Libraries, Foreign Affairs, History Today, Judaism, Library Journal, National Review, Saturday Evening Post, etc.

Morningstar Investment Research Center

Identify and research stocks and mutual funds, and create and analyze portfolios. Includes reports and exclusive Morningstar Ratings on stocks and mutual funds.